Skill Acquisition - A Brief Overview of the Skill-Verse
So what is it?
The skill acquisition model is something we see used often across a multitude of disciplines, regardless of if we ever notice it being used or if it is ever identified.
It is a three phase model designed to organize both the neurological and physiological adaptations of acquiring specific skills.
The Medium is the Message
When Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “The medium is the message” in 1964, I don’t think he could have ever imagined how powerful and relevant this statement would be in the years to come. It is no longer just an ominous warning pertaining to television shows, commercials, and the dissemination of grand ideas to the masses. This statement holds enormous weight in the gym as well. Whether or not you hold court with coaches, athletes, or Karen’s this statement is the compass from which we find direction in programming. What are our mediums in the weight room, well let’s...
Exercise Philosophy: A truer meaning
Exercise Philosophy, Exercise: We can agree for the sake of this article, exercise can be given a rather general meaning. A physical act or series of acts that cause a change either neurologically or physiologically to the athlete. Philosophy: If we get all formal it is derived from the greek word philosophia (love of wisdom). For many of us, we have developed a platform or approach to training derived from the marriage of these two definitions. A love of wisdom in pursuit of physiological and neurological change (albeit progressive change). So then, why has exercise philosophy become more so doctrine. Less and...